Feeling Bad and Don't Know Why?

What are elements?

Elements are atoms that are either essential to health or potentially toxic to the body, depending on the type and amount. some nutritive elements are present in large quantitiy, such as chromium and selenium. Toxic elements, such as mercury or cadmium, may accumilate in the body due to chronic exposure and may lead to illness at very small amounts

How do elements affect my health?

Many elements are essential to life, assisting in the production of energy and other important biochemical processes. Element insufficiencies, excesses, or imbalances can lead to illness. Some elements, such as lead, mercury, and cadmium, become toxic when too many sneak into the body. This can lead to chronic symptoms, both physical and mental.

How are element imbalances treated?

Element imbalances usually are corrected with a diet change and/or nutritional supplements. For example, Dr. Bachman may suggest certain vitamins, minerals, or amino acids that bind with toxic elements and are consequently excreted throught the urine. A urine element test is sometimes used to see if the detoxification program is working.

Toxic Elements

Toxic element accumulation is likely in an environment plagued by pollutants. Toxic elements, many of which are metals, normally are present in the body in small amounts. However, they accumulate with excessive or continual exposure or if your body's detoxifying defenses aren't up to par.

How are elements measured?

Elements can be measured in hair, blood, or urine. Each method has its strengths and limitations, and Dr. Bachman will select the appropriate method. Hair analysis is regarded as the best evaluation of long term element status, and a blood or urine test is sometimes used as a follow-up to a hair test. A blood test might be used to identify more recent exposure.

Why use Hair?

Hair analysis is an inexpensive and noninvasive means of measuring elements, often revealing abnormalities not detected through other routine tests. Teeth, nails, and hair concentrate minerals and toxic metals and thus are useful indicators of element status. As most of us are reluctant to part owith our teeth or nails, hair is generally used. Also while elements in blood are kept constant, hair is not subject to this same homeostasis and so can reflect changes before abnormalities are apparent. Because hair element levels correlate closely with organ levels, hair analysis is a valuable tool to be used in conjunction with a physical exam, health history, and other lab tests.

When is hair analysis the wrong choice?

Hair is subject to external contamination, particularly from hair products such as bleaches, perms, or dyes. Therefore, hair treated within the past two months will not provide accurate information. Also, if Dr. Bachman suspects very recent toxic exposure, the suspected element may not be reflected in the hair growth. In this case, your physician may choose a blood or urine test.

How much hair is required?

Only about one-quarter of a gram of nair is needed- or about one heaping teaspoon. Hair is generally cut at the nape of the neck, and the hair closest to the scalp is used. Because tiny amounts are taken from several places, it is nearly impossible to notice hair was taken.


These elements are required for the body's structural tissues and for metabolic functions, particularly enzyme reactions. However, deficiencies or imbalances among elements can lead to problems.

  1. Low zinc is associated with poor wound healing, weight problems, depressed libido, hair loss, and impotence.
  2. Low magnesium is associated with cardiovascular problems, depression, and anxiety.
  3. Low copper is associated with joint pain, elevated cholesterol, anemia, and reduced resistance to infection.
  4. Low manganese is associated with back and joint problems, hypoglycemia, and allergies.
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What About Insurance

Coverage for Naturopathic services depends on which company and which policy you have insurance through. The insurance market is changing rapidly so it is difficult to keep track of which companies are covering Naturopathic services.
Check with your insurance company, give us a call, or click here to contact us for further information.